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Junior High School

Junior High School


Our Junior High School staff employ a wide array of curricula in delivering a biblically-integrated education to their students. They aim to create a text-rich environment in which classic novels, abundant primary source documents, and God’s inspired Word are central. Reading, as the mother skill of all learning, is encouraged, cultivated and taught. The sciences are taught using inquiry-based learning in which students are allowed to discover God’s wonderful design in creation as they examine the core sciences of physics, chemistry and biology each year. The math scope and sequence is designed to build a strong foundation in computing and problem-solving that prepares students for Algebra I and beyond. Courses in art design and concert band provide students with creative space to display their gifts to a variety of audiences. All students take physical education every day, allowing for their physical growth and health. All 8th grade students have the opportunity to earn high school credit in PE, and qualified students can earn 1 credit in Algebra I upon successful completion of the course.

Language Arts: Shurley Grammar, Wordly Wise, Institute for Excellence in Writing, and trade book study for literature

o 7th Grade Literature-Selected Classic Novels, including The Prince and the Pauper (Twain), King Arthur (Green), Call of the Wild (London) and A Christmas Carol (Dickens)

o 8th Grade Literature—Greek Mythology, The Illiad (Homer), The Oddysey (Homer), selected Shakespeare plays including Romeo and Juliet

• Math – Saxon

o 7th Grade Math—Course II

o 8th Grade Math—Pre-Algebra or Algebra I (based on grade, teacher recommendation, standardized test scores)

Science – Internally produced curriculum

o Physics, Chemistry, Biology spiraled each year

History – Houghton-Mifflin

o 7th Grade—US History Founding through 1865

o 8th Grade—US History 1865 through Present

Bible-Internally produced curriculum

o 7th grade—Book of Genesis

o 8th Grade—Book of Exodus


o 8th grade class, upon successful completion, satisfies Personal Fitness High School credit

Elective Classes:

Computer, Band, Art

To find out more about Redeemer's Junior High School, please schedule a tour soon.