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The elementary staff delivers a varied curriculum to their students utilizing best practices through a biblical lens. Curriculum is chosen based on student needs, proper scope and sequence, and developmental benchmarks. Teachers in the elementary school employ the following curricula:

Math—Eureka (K5 through 4th grade) Scott-Foresman (5th- 6th grade)

Phonics, Grammar, Spelling, Vocabulary—Logic of English, Shurley English


Social Studies—Core Knowledge (K5-3rd), Houghton-Mifflin (4th and 6th grade)

Reading/Literature—Trade books/novels and Scott Foresman Reading

Bible—Veritas Press and other resources

All elementary students are assessed annually using a nationally normed standardized test (MAP- Measure of Academic Progress) as well as periodically with the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment, which measures reading comprehension and fluency. Teachers employ a combination of small and whole group instruction in reading and math subject areas, using guided reading and individual student conferences to both measure and promote learning growth. All elementary students take physical education every day. Additionally, all enjoy music, computer, library, Spanish and art once weekly. Chapel occurs weekly and is grouped by grade level. Depending upon the grade level, off-site field trips may occur several times per year. Younger student may also be grouped with upper elementary students as Book Buddies or Puzzle Pals, thus affording our older students the opportunity to begin serving younger students within the school community.

To find out more about Redeemer's Elementary School, please schedule a tour soon.