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High School

High School


It is our honor to offer our students the opportunity to spend the last four years of their compulsory schooling at RCS high school. We believe that these four years are paramount to the development and application of a biblical worldview. As students are challenged through classic texts like Othello and The Inferno, deep scientific inquiry in Physics, Chemistry and mathematics, a thorough study of the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Scriptures, and an array of  history, art, music and other disciplines, they will develop sharp minds and soft hearts. They will be invited to be excellent, to walk in grace and to build commuinty both internally as well as outside of the four walls of their classrooms. Upon graduation, our hope is that they'll know Christ as their Savior and follow Him into their calling, acting as salt and light to bring good news and healing to their world.

With that in mind, all high school curricula has been chosen based on best practices, college-readiness, teacher and administrative review, and falls into a logical scope and sequence as determined by the RCS curriculum maps and course objectives.


   A graduate of Redeemer Christian School…

   ►Engages all of life through the truth of God’s word and his plan for the redemption of all things.

   ►Is an articulate, well-read, critical thinker prepared to engage the world around them.

   ►Works hard, possessing an industrious, creative and confident spirit as they pursue excellence and are undaunted by adversity.

   ►Cares for their community, loving and serving their neighbors in the name of their Savior.

   ►Is a Christian, humbled by God’s abundant grace given to them through Christ, and is free to repent and forgive in all of their                                          

Graduation Requirements: 

·         English - 4 credits

·         Bible - 4 credits

·         History - 4 credits

·         Science - 4 credits (2 with lab component)

·         Math - 4 credits

·         HOPE - 1 credit

·         Fine Arts - 1 credit

·         Foreign Language - 2 credits

·         Elective – 2 credits


Student Life

In addition to the academic program, RCS offers high school students various extra-currirulars, including:

  • Athletics
    • Basketball
    • Cheer
    • Swimming
    • Volleyball (ladies)
    • Soccer
    • Baseball
  • Homecoming Spirit Week and Homecoming Dance
  • Jr/Sr Promo
  • Clubs 
    • Breakfast Club
    • NHS
    • Sign Language
    • Creative Writing
  • Service
    • Women's Pregnancy Center events
    • Serving pre-school and elementary students on our campus
  • Chapel

At RCS high school, our desire is to grow the hearts and minds of our graduates to love truth, value beauty, seek goodness and serve others with Christ's love. 

To find out more about RCS high school, please schedule a tour soon.